My story...my siblings and I were raised in what might seem an old fashioned way today. My father only had one consequence and form of discipline: a smack on the hand. It may seem contradictory but this actually made our life as children secure and predictable. In all the years growing up, I never saw my Dad lose his temper or treat us with contempt and disgust. My mom was the nurturer and the teacher of manners. The two of them worked together to teach us right and wrong, ethics and values so we grew up with a strong sense of who we were and the kind of life we wanted to lead.
What worries me is how many kids today have undeveloped social skills and a poor moral compass! I see kids coming in and out of day care and school with behaviours which make them unlikeable with teachers and other kids; I see kids running amok, oblivious to their parents ineffectual threats; I see kids eating like monkeys and I see kids who don't know how to make conversation. How are the parents of these children preparing their kids for the real world? Yet I am reluctant to blame parents because I think they have been fed a lot of bad parenting advice by 'modern experts', which combined with two tired working parents, has created a situation where kids are just not getting the same amount of teaching from their parents that we did as kids. Need parenting advice? Read How to Raise a Child
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